Sunday, December 23, 2012

Spam Musubi

When I think of home, I think of my family, my friends, sunshine, breezy dresses, rubber slippas and Spam.

Spam musubi is a Hawaii staple. It's literally sold at the gas station in place of sandwiches and hot dogs. It's a beach must-have with the meaty, salty, rice combination. When Spam came to Hawaii during war time, the locals adopted the cheap meat-like substance and combined it with local flavors.

A musubi is a Japanese rice ball. There are many forms and shapes. The spam musubi typically come in rectangle form.They even sell Spam musubi molds, the like one we used today.

Spam Musubi

1 can Spam, sliced (we used Spam Lite)
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/8 cup brown sugar
3 cups rice, cooked
5 sheets of nori (or dried seaweed), cut in half

In a medium saute pan over low heat, combine soy sauce and brown sugar. Place Spam slices into pan and fry for 1-2 minutes on each side. When thoroughly coated and fried, remove from pan onto a plate.

Lay nori sheet onto a flat surface and place the Spam musubi mold onto nori. Scoop about 1/4 cup of rice into the mold and press to evenly distribute the rice into mold. Place the fried Spam into mold and remove the mold, using the press and removing the mold.

Wrap the rectangle musubi with the nori and seal with rice or dab of water. One can of Spam makes 10-12 slices, depending on how thick you cut them.

Exploring different variations o how to layer rice and Spam

Not only is Spam musubi a Hawaii favorite, it's a personal favorite of Boyfriend and myself. I know that on those long plane rides, all I want for a snack is a few of these little buggers. Boyfriend can even knock back 4 or more if his appetite is big enough.

To store, just wrap in cellophane  and store at room temperature or in a warm place. Do not refrigerate  it will make the rice hard. Enjoy!


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