Holy cow it's hot here. Summer in St Louis reminds me of Summer is Hawaii, except no beach. Ugh. Luckily we've had these beautiful sunny days to see our new city. There's always something to do here, and it makes me so happy. Here's what happened in July and August.
Loving the Blues Museum
Time in the limelight
Old Courthouse Museum
Forest Park fountains
Forest Park boathouse with friends
Lamb steaks for dinner
Beer sampling at Schlafly
Drinking lemonade at Lanai Coffee, haha
Nitro ice cream in the making from Ices Plain and Fancy
Pool time!
Boozy ice cream from Clemetine's
Beet fries from Copper Pig
Wedding party reunion in the Lou! Maid of Honor and Best Man!
Rooftop brunch with bestie at Vin de Set
We made Ravioli at Kitchen Conservatory
I made guac for dinner, don't judge
Festival of Nations: a weekend of food, dance, music and shopping
Drinking coconut water next to a great dane, while watching multicultural dancing... good day
Green apple shaved ice from Nobu's
Lemon sorbet
September, my favorite month, is here. Loved ones are coming into town and it's our 2nd wedding anniversary. Fall is just around the corner.
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