Sometimes life is just a random collection of thoughts. Minds tend to wander, things change and people reminisce and grow... so is life. Besides the occasional flight to a far off destination that punctuates my life, my days are fairly simple. I try to convince myself to actually use my gym membership, I make simple easy meals to get me by, I work hard, smile and laugh at the airport, and occasionally find comfort in a book at the end of the day.
But the thing that makes my life worth living, are the experiences, no matter how grand or minute they may be. I'm grateful every day that I have loving family and friends that understand and encourage me to seize the day by traveling and experiencing as much as I can, while I'm still willing and able.
My favorite Thai iced coffee
Dragon roll haha
Satsuma roll- Siam Terrace
I was watching an episode of The Chew and they were talking about comfort foods. They started the discussion with comfort food favorites from celebrities. I had a little chuckle because they revealed Selena Gomez likes to eat pickles with her popcorn, a supposed Texas tradition. To clarify, I wasn't giggling because of the silly combination, but my personal experience with this combo.
When I was a teenager, my TV time ritual was to sit behind the coffee table in front of the living room TV with a bowl of popcorn, sprinkled with chocolate chips, a side of pickle spear and orange juice. My mother can attest to this. She probably would've thought I was pregnant if I wasn't 14 years old. I guess my experimenting and obsessing over food started relatively early.
A T-bone for me? Aw you shouldn't have
Coming soon to Disney-Pixar
I was wondering what it would be like to live in a completely different place than Honolulu, HI and Champaign, IL. It seems like I went from one extreme to the other. Trading sunny beaches and a vibrant city environment for rural, farmville, college town in the Midwest wasn't easy, but it intrigues me to know that there is a possibility of another extreme. I wouldn't mind living in the Pacific Northwest, and I guess I could try to transition into the Southwest but I couldn't live in a "beach" environment after living in Hawaii. It would simply be a downgrade in my eyes.
Proud as the Winter is cold, or just easily distracted
Dark and 3D-like
It's what we do best
I love my dog. Yes, he's gigantic and droolly and snores louder than a bear during hibernation, but what can I say? He's the closest thing I have to a child. I brag about him, I proudly show him off on walks, I brush his hair and spend extra hours in bed sleeping next to him.
I believe in hard work. I believe in integrity. I believe in sacrifice for the greater good. I believe in being resourceful. I believe in efficiency. One thing that I have a problem with is long term goals. I can make a list of all the chores to do, the items to pick up at the grocery store, the meals I plan to make for the week, the events to attend that month and precisely execute them in a timely fashion. But anything beyond next month is a distant future that I cannot conceptualize.
I have an issue with disappointment, mainly the disappointment others may feel if I over promise and under deliver. Maybe that's the reason why I never chose a definitive path in my life or career path. Because I'm afraid of failure or letting down others or compromising after making a choice. Either way, the only goal I've ever set for myself is to be happy. It's a work-in progress, but I think I'm on the right track.
Work sunset
Boyfriend's brunch
Pear pastry for local bakery
Sometimes I wonder if I'll be able to move back to Hawaii some day. Maybe I've become too haole-fied? Maybe I've caught the travel bug and can't go back to living in a confined space? Maybe I've gotten too used to paying a small sum for rent and would miss the changing seasons?
Most of my friends are from the continental US, or what Hawaii people refer to as "Mainlanders." Then I think about my family. How much I miss them and how much I'm missing out by living so far away. If I continue to live on the mainland, I'll be that Aunty or cousin that no one recognizes because I only show up to one out of every three Thanksgivings. If I have a kid, it'll grow up without the tribe-like family construct I grew up with. If my brother or cousins have (more) kids, I won't be at their 1st birthday parties, or be able to babysit or attend their graduations.
I miss home, but not in the, "I miss the beach," or "I need some ono kine grindz," or even in the "I need to wear something other than a Winter coat," kind of way. I miss the people that make home home. I miss it every day.
My avocado hoard
Trying on some curls
I want to be healthy and take an active role in my health and appearance. I'm lazy and need routine in order to keep motivated. My newest goal is to make that routine stick. Work out and use my gym membership, take vitamins and supplements, cook often, drink less and eat healthy. It's hard in this world of take-out and Dollar menus, but luckily I live in a small town so options are limited. This, in turn, gives me motivation to spend more time in the kitchen.
I've also been trying to learn how to experiment with my makeup, nail and hair tools. Not only does this reduce my "beauty" costs since I won't be going to the salon, but what else can I do for fun in a college town? I know I won't be like those amazing fashion blogs, but it gives me more opportunities to express myself in ways other than in the kitchen.
Enough with the ramblings! Where's the food?!
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