Two of my best friends live in Northern California. So when I had the opportunity to fly out for the weekend, I seized the opportunity. It's so hard to coordinate schedules, especially with different days off, different hours and a two hour time zone difference. Here's what we did.
Dim sum in San Francisco
Exploring Big Sur
Drinking wine in Carmel Valley
Thai for lunch
Don't forget the zin
Lover's Point with my lavah!
Repping the World Series Champs
Sharing mussels
Bourbon cherry cocktail
Bestie's and my dinner
Homemade pumpkins muffins, to go
Pancakes for breakfast
Apparently, my lack of alcohol tolerance and jetlag produce a short night, but I had fun nonetheless. Hopefully I wasn't too much of a drag. Thanks for the great weekend in Cali. Hopefully I can bring Boyfriend next time.